Portland News

July 27, 2024

Vitastem Ultra: This Antibiotic Is Expanding Sales Distribution into India, Egypt, The Middle East & Caribbean in 2024

Image commercially licensed from https://unsplash.com/photos/person-holding-band-aid-on-left-hand-rKJoUsqmSs4
Image commercially licensed from https://unsplash.com/photos/person-holding-band-aid-on-left-hand-rKJoUsqmSs4

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By: Jocelyn Batista 

In the ever-evolving world of medicine and pharmaceuticals, only a select few products ever manage to establish themselves as true game-changers. Vitastem Ultra, an exceptional topical antibiotic, has proven to be one such product that is making waves in the healthcare industry as a powerhouse in infection prevention and wound care. This FDA-registered topical antibiotic spray has been waging a successful war against minor to severe wounds and infections for over a decade, setting new standards in the field of wound care and infection prevention.

What sets Vitastem Ultra apart is its remarkable track record, boasting a staggering 10x more effectiveness in wound care and infection prevention than its competitors. Developed by the innovative doctors and scientists at ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM), this product, now available over the counter (OTC), serves as a versatile solution for a wide spectrum of conditions. From acne to cuts and scrapes, diabetic ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, lacerations, scars, shingles, staph, MRSA, and a host of other minor to severe wounds, Vitastem Ultra has proven its mettle.

Significantly, Vitastem Ultra stands out as the sole antibiotic globally that employs both physical and chemical mechanisms to eliminate bacteria, granting it a distinctive capacity to overcome drug-resistant strains. Simultaneously, it boasts a remarkable ability to promote tissue healing and regeneration, setting it apart from any other medication available.

As of now, Vitastem Ultra proudly reports a remarkable 96% improvement in patients with diabetic wounds and ulcers within a mere two weeks, surpassing the leading name-brand prescription competitor, which achieves a 50% improvement rate at the 20-week mark. Its effectiveness has prevented numerous patients from undergoing amputations, leading to reduced hospital stays and an enhanced life expectancy.

The secret to Vitastem Ultra’s effectiveness lies in its unique formulation, allowing it to target a broad spectrum of bacteria and pathogens. This makes it the preferred choice for healthcare facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, and other care facilities seeking to curtail the surge of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and the rise of menacing superbugs like MRSA.

However, Vitastem Ultra’s appeal extends beyond its efficacy. Its ease of application as a topical antibiotic spray makes it a convenient and accessible choice for individuals seeking immediate relief from wounds and infections. Furthermore, its OTC availability reduces the need for prescription antibiotics in certain cases, aligning with the changing dynamics of the healthcare industry.

As the demand for this new and innovative wound treatment continues to surge, ViaDerma is actively expanding its distribution network to meet this growing need. Recent news announcements indicate a strategic move into healthcare providers across regions such as the Caribbean, the Middle East, Egypt, and India, where the demand for innovative antibiotics is soaring.

This expansion couldn’t come at a more opportune time as healthcare professionals worldwide grapple with the growing menace of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Vitastem Ultra’s presence in these regions promises to play a pivotal role in the fight against infectious diseases, ensuring that patients have access to state-of-the-art infection prevention and wound care.

In a world where antibiotic resistance poses an escalating threat to public health, Vitastem Ultra stands as a beacon of hope for healthcare providers and their patients. It not only equips healthcare providers with a robust tool for their arsenal but also offers a user-friendly solution for individuals in search of effective wound care and infection prevention. As the demand for innovative antibiotics like Vitastem Ultra continues to soar, it is evident that this exceptional product is here to stay and will undeniably reshape the future of medicine and patient care.


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