Portland News

July 27, 2024

Why Should A Snow Fence Be Installed?

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A snow fence is a type of fencing installed to keep snow from piling up outside the property’s perimeter. Fences are pieces of wood or metal constructed along with supports and rings or rails on top. In general, these types of fences are installed close to the building in order to reduce the amount of drift from trees or branches that typically occur when snow falls.

Fences are used to reduce the effects of drifting snow on the foundation of a building. If an area is generally windy, Fences may be installed to help reduce the amount of drifting entering the building. This can prevent damage to gutters, roofing, siding, and more.

Snow fences are usually used with long-term buildings such as bridges, group housing, and commercial buildings.

Why install a snow fence?

Snow fences help prevent damage from taking place during the winter season. Damage from snow can be costly if not immediately repaired. Fences are an inexpensive way to help protect private property. The fencing can be installed within minutes, and is easily removed when the snow gets too high. The protective measures taken by the fence will help to prevent costly repairs caused by snow and ice.

Fences vary in size, shape, materials used in construction, and applications. Wood is almost always used as the material; however, aluminum or steel are sometimes used to build the fences.

How many types of snow fences?

1. Wood Fence

Most fences are made from wood because it is simple to make and fairly cheap. Larger fences should be constructed with wood that is longer in length, width, and height. Fences made of wood cost less than fences made of steel or aluminum.

2. Concrete Fence

Most fences are constructed with a concrete ring to hold the fencing at a specific height. The concrete ring has a rough surface to help hold up the fencing. This type that is used will depend on the fence’s placement on the property line. Different areas will have different ring heights.

3. Aluminum Fence

The aluminum is another type of fence that is useful in keeping the snow from piling up. Aluminum has been known to last a little longer than wood fences. They are more costly but are more durable. Using aluminum fences will depend on if the owner wants it to last as long as possible or if they just really want it to look nice and expensive.

4. Steel Fence

Steel snow fences are a more expensive option to install than the other types of fences. They are more durable and will last longer than the other options, but may be harder to keep clean and maintain over time.

5. Concrete + steel

Most snow fences are made from concrete and held in place by using rebar or rebar rods on top of the concrete ring. The rods will hold the fencing in place.

6. Wood + steel

Similar to concrete and steelfences, wood and steel are used together. The rebar is placed on top of the concrete ring and then a wooden fence is placed on top of that in order to hold the fence up.

7. Wood + Aluminum

This fence is a mixture of the two options above. The wooden fence will be placed on top and then aluminum will be placed on top of that in order to hold the fencing in place.

This is a very simple snow fence. The fencing has a concrete ring with a rebar as the support. The fencing is made of wood and it is held in place by the rebar ring.

This is a common type of fence used to keep the snow off of the surface. The fencing is constructed out of aluminum and has a rebar on it. It can be seen from above that the fencing reaches a lower height than what it was originally placed. 

What are the benefits of snow fences? 

Snow fences can reduce drifting by keeping it off of a building. Snow that has fallen can be pushed back towards the direction it came from. This helps stop even more snow from accumulating against a building and creates an easy clean-up area for a business owner, homeowner, or bridge keeper.

1. Protects the building foundation

2. Prevents snow from accumulating on the property line

3. Enhances curb appeal by keeping snow off of the building

4. Helps to prevent damage from snow and ice accumulation in gutters, gutters, siding, and so forth

5. Fences are built to last 5-7 years through proper care and maintenance. Fencing of this type is also more energy efficient than other types of fencing that do not have a protective purpose. 

6. Reduce maintenance costs = less downtime (no snow is needed)

7. Fences can be used in coa njunction with other methods of snow prevention such as sanding, plowing, and salting

8. Fencing is generally cheaper than other methods of snow prevention

9. Fences can be constructed in a very short time period after snowfall to help prevent additional drift

10. Fencing is easy to clean and maintain 

How should a snow fence be maintained? 

Fences need to be maintained on a regular basis by adding more supports and repairing any damaged sections of the fence. The fences are constructed with a concrete ring, rebar poles, and wooden planks that are placed on top of the concrete ring. Over time, some parts may need to be replaced or patched up.

Snow fences help reduce drift from accumulating against a building. However, the fencing is made from wood or aluminum and is held in place by using a concrete ring. Fences can be customized to fit the needs of an individual property owner for snow prevention.


Snow fences help to reduce the accumulation of snow against a building and can prevent damage from occurring. Therefore, these fences can be built at a low cost and can be constructed in a short amount of time. Fences are made from either wood, aluminum, or steel and are not very costly to maintain. The fencing is an inexpensive option for snow prevention that has been proven to be successful over time.

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