Portland News

July 27, 2024

HyperConn™ Provides a Groundbreaking Solution to a Pressing Need as Travel Restrictions Relax

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Image commercially licensed from: Unsplash

Traveling professionals and students who are working remotely finally have an effective solution to their most pressing need: mobile connectivity that is reliable no matter where they are. uCloudlink’s HyperConn™ CloudSIM technology is redefining mobile connectivity as it promises a steady connection no matter where the user’s location may be. This comes as a welcome development for multiple users as travel restrictions are relaxing in the new normal. 

Officially introduced in the market last June 30 by Chaohui Chen, Director and CEO of uCloudlink, and Victor Xu, Chief Sales Officer and President of Marketing and Sales, HyperConn™ was positioned as an ambitious yet high effective means to get uninterrupted network connection all the time no matter where users may be and what conditions they may face. uCloudlink ensures steady connectivity with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) that identifies the most effective network coverage available in the user’s location. It is also able to determine the internet usage and performance of all the existing broadband networks where the user is trying to access connectivity. As a result, users are guaranteed a reliable internet connection that features seamless switching from one service network to another regardless of how many applications are open and how many people are connected. 

“HyperConn™ is a groundbreaking technological advancement that is the result of years of collective effort from our hundred-strong R&D team. Imagine a car being able to freely make use of all the lanes available on a highway without needing to stop for tolls and other barricades. This level of flexibility and freedom is what we offer with HyperConn™. We believe that our forward-thinking solution will help the world prepare for whatever may come our way in the future and move us one step closer to sharing without limitations,” Chen explained.

With the launching of HyperConn™ also came the birth of Numen. It is the world’s first-ever HyperConn™-enabled 5G mobile WiFi device, which uCloudlink added to its roster of phenomenal products. Numen has the remarkable ability to connect to all signals available in a specific region, including 4G and 5G mobile broadband and fixed broadband WiFi. Numen is constantly linking, measuring, and monitoring connection performance to guarantee that its users remain connected at all times. 

When an existing connection becomes weak or congested, Numen immediately looks for an available mobile WiFi that it can connect to. It then seamlessly transfers connectivity, sparing its users from unnecessary worry and stress. uCloudlink’s revolutionary technology is making a huge impact in the way of life of people from all walks of life, providing them with ease, security, and a powerful tool for their business, professional careers, and studies. 

As the leading and most effective data traffic-sharing platform in the market today, uCloudlink’s CloudSIM technology is a state-of-the-art breakthrough that is changing mobile connectivity significantly. It is able to offer flexible ultra-high-speed internet connectivity through a powerful network of 200 service providers in more than 140 countries worldwide. This is the uCloudlink brand of service and excellence that is designed to improve and empower communities for the future. Find out more about uCloudlink by visiting its website.

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