Portland News

July 27, 2024

Hustlers’ Feast: Where Entrepreneurs Hustle, Motivate, and Unite

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Entertainment industry mogul Adaeze “Queen Angel” Henry has established a digital community for rising entrepreneurs and people in every industry committed to grind and hustle in their respective fields. Hustlers’ Feast is a virtual platform that advocates three things: hustling, motivating, and uniting.

Hustlers’ Feast is an entrepreneurial online community and platform where individual accomplishments and the fight to not give up on passions and dreams are celebrated. Its ultimate mission is not focused on celebrating only accomplishments. Rather, the community seeks also to celebrate every entrepreneur’s perseverance and the risks they have taken in pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. 

The motivational platform takes pride in supporting entrepreneurs in their journey toward the top. It caters to all entrepreneurs from different parts of the world. Today, Hustlers’ Feast expands its reach to include learning about financial literacy in its Hustlers’ Feast University community. In line with this, the platform’s founder and leader released her e-book Ways to Manage Your Debt and Credit During a Pandemic.

The book serves as a guide for rising entrepreneurs inside and outside the Hustlers’ Feast community who wish to learn about the fundamentals of financial literacy. “As a single mom, panicking about what to do during the shutdown was my last thought. I immediately got into my hustler’s mode and started planning new ways to take my businesses to the next level,” Queen Angel shares about how she started her book. 

Adaeze Henry, also known as Queen Angel, is the founder of Hustlers’ Feast. She is a single mother and a rising entertainment industry manager who was inspired to create her platform by the lack of mentorship in the entertainment arena. She is responsible for managing Jasmin Brown, more popularly known as Watch Jazzy, a social media sensation, with more than 1 million followers on Instagram, who can be seen in MTV, E! News, BET, and many other famous shows. Being a smart, ambitious, and passionate hustler for the entertainment scene, Queen hopes to encourage and inspire her clients, peers, and other entrepreneurs to never give up on their goals and ambitions.

Growing up, Queen Angel had been taught by her entrepreneur parents that “success is within reach where proper preparation and hard work exist.” With that, she grew up striving to reach success in every aspect of her life. In fact, she mostly ditched playtime and toys for reading and books. She became a role model for her younger siblings when it comes to working hard. Today, she hopes to motivate fellow entrepreneurs through Hustlers’ Feast. 

Today, Hustlers’ Feast continues to serve as a source of support and motivation for the members of this entrepreneurial community. The woman behind the platform, Queen Angel, hopes to mentor others and guide them in starting their journey. “Just start somewhere. Stay focused and push through your journey with a GPS mentality,” says the entertainment mogul. 

To know more about Hustlers’ Feast and the book, Ways to Manage Your Debt and Credit During a Pandemic, please visit their official website. You may reach out to Adaeze “Queen Angel” Henry through her Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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