Portland News

July 26, 2024

From Chains to Change: The Noah Asher Story

From Chains to Change: The Noah Asher Story
Photo Courtesy: Noah Asher

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How has Noah Asher been able to overcome his most overwhelming chaos? Once ensnared by the fetters of incarceration, Asher has emerged not only as an example of positive transformation but as an internationally acclaimed author, consultant, and testament to transformative grace. His book, “CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming,” delves into the tempestuous seas of grief, loss, and addiction with a lifeline firmly anchored in faith.

Asher’s narrative is more than just an account of personal redemption; it’s a clarion call to those adrift in their despair, offering them the tools and principles to navigate through their storms. It’s a story that intertwines Scripture with mental resilience, drawing its strength from an unshakeable belief in Jesus.

The Genesis of Transformation

Asher’s odyssey from prisoner to published author is nothing short of miraculous—a transformation that he attributes to divine intervention and unwavering faith. “Jacob was a deceiver. Moses was a murderer. Noah was a drunk. David was an adulterer. If these guys were around today, TMZ and TikTok would cancel them. But there’s good news for us all: The world cannot cancel who God calls.” This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of Asher’s message: redemption is within reach for everyone.

His book isn’t merely about overcoming; it’s about thriving beyond one’s past misdeeds and tribulations. It’s this message that has resonated with readers worldwide, making “CHAOS” more than just a manuscript—it’s become a movement.

Beyond the Book

But Asher didn’t stop at writing; he translated his ethos into action by founding a successful consulting firm dedicated to helping small businesses bounce back financially—mirroring his spiritual and mental journey. His Biblical approach addresses not just the fiscal health of organizations but also instills principles of resilience and recovery at their core.

This dual focus on individual healing through faith and collective recovery through consultancy underscores Asher’s multifaceted mission—to facilitate redemption in all aspects of life.

The Articulation of Hope

At its heart, “CHAOS” articulates a profound understanding of human suffering couched in compassion and empathy. Drawing from Biblical parables and personal anecdotes, Asher crafts a narrative that’s both inspirational and engaging—eschewing preachiness for genuine connection.

The book serves as both a mirror and window—for some, reflecting their internal tumult; for others, providing a vista into experiences far removed from their own. Yet, despite these diverse perspectives, Asher’s underlying message remains universal: there is hope amidst despair, light in the darkness, and solace after sorrow—all through Jesus.

A Community Engaged

Asher’s impact transcends the printed page—he has fostered an engaged community keen on supporting each other through life’s vicissitudes. Through his website (www.thenoahasher.com) and Instagram (@TheNoahAsher), he extends his outreach beyond traditional means—offering guidance, sharing success stories, and cementing his role not just as an author but as a consultant.

These platforms have become conduits for change—spaces where narratives of struggle transform into testimonies of triumph, where followers find not only inspiration but actionable advice grounded in authenticity.


Noah Asher’s journey epitomizes resilience—a testament to what can be achieved when faith intersects with determination. His transition from incarceration to acclaim encapsulates more than personal success; it embodies the quintessence of human potential when guided by divine purpose.

CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming” stands as more than literature; it is both a manifesto and manual—a guide for those seeking solace in spirituality while navigating life’s inherent challenges.

In chronicling his path from chains to change, Noah Asher has not only illuminated his own way but has lit beacons for countless others to follow—a truly transformative journey marked by faith, fortitude, and unfailing hope.

CHAOS: Overcoming the Overwhelming” by Noah Asher is available for purchase today!

Published by: Martin De Juan

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