Portland News

July 27, 2024

Facebook Parent Meta to Cancel Contract with ABM Industries, Hundreds of Custodial Staff to Lose Their Jobs

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Facebook Meta recently terminated a contract with prison workers at Facebook’s Silicon Valley headquarters, resulting in hundreds of job cuts in the coming weeks.

In mid-June, the company informed facilities management provider ABM Industries of its intention to terminate the contract, which takes effect July 25.

Facebook Meta’s Internals

An ABM human resources manager wrote a July 1 letter to the department explaining that the decision will affect 368 ABM employees at 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park, California, including kitchen cleaners, night cleaners, recycling sorters, cafe support, and ten supervisors and seven administrators.

“While the subsequent custodial vendor Meta has hired to perform these services may retain some or all of the ABM employees at this account, ABM has no independent knowledge of that vendor’s hiring plans,” the statement letter said.

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The decision to lay off the employees comes as Facebook Meta’s online advertising business has slowed due to several factors, including rising inflation, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Facebook privacy changes from Apple’s iOS.

Last May, Meta said it was slowing the pace of hiring after forecasting a possible year-over-year sales decline in the second quarter. However, the letter did not contain any grounds for termination.

A Facebook representative said the company plans to replace the provider with another company but did not say how many employees will be part of the contract.

ABM is a public company that employs over 100,000 people. During its December conference call, the company listed Facebook, Google and Adobe among its customers. They also said that the companies mentioned were among those that expanded their presence in the office.

Inside Facebook Meta’s Facilities

Things have gotten much quieter on Facebook Meta facilities since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. However, while the company was planning a return to the office, employees had the option to work remotely permanently.

In May 2021, the company reopened its Bay Area offices to some employees.

Facebook Meta ( Words from CEO)

Last week, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that Meta would cut plans to hire engineers by 30% this year. Additionally, reports began circulating on Monday that Meta’s CTO had urged employees to identify and report “underperformers” because they were slowing the company’s performance.

Read also: Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Show Recent Progress in the Development of Metaverse Headsets

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