Portland News

July 27, 2024

Daniel Kivo: The Human Resource Professional Leading the Charge

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Employees are the lifeblood of any company. Without capable and dedicated employees, no company could achieve its goals. But in order to hire the right people, an organization needs to have experienced sourcing and human resources specialists on board. A well-trained recruiting staff will know what to look for in aspiring applicants, and their decisions will have a direct impact on the atmosphere and output of the company. For over ten years, Daniel Kivo has developed his skills and deepened his knowledge in sales, marketing, recruitment and human resources. With his expertise, Daniel has helped companies grow and climb up the ladder of success.

Daniel Kivo holds a degree in communication from Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, California and a master’s degree in human resources from Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California. After graduating, Daniel worked in the United States Navy as a human resource specialist in the Okinawa station. After his time with the navy, he worked as a sales executive for the Showdown Events Company. 

In 2016, Daniel Kivo joined Link Consulting. There, he was in charge of recruitment, including sourcing, interviewing, referencing, and negotiating offers. While there, Daniel was able to design a candidate selection parameter that relies on data to recruit the best possible applicants. He also developed an automated resume screening method that reduces time while increasing the efficiency of applicant interviews. 

Then in 2017, Daniel Kivo moved on to work with Ace Parking. Following his success at Link, he continued to excel in the recruitment process and introduction of automation and technology to the company. While he was there, he was in charge of recruiting for the Los Angeles and Orange County areas.

With his educational background and work experience, Daniel has built a career for himself, working with organizations and helping them grow. Known in the industry as a talent sourcing professional, Daniel works on strategic sourcing initiatives, optimizing return on human capital, and realigning departmental and individual performance to strategic goals and objectives. His efforts have paved the way for him to secure core leadership roles in major organizations. 

Daniel Kivo is someone with an innate drive to succeed. He prides himself on his purposeful actions, disciplined work ethic, enthusiasm for work, and his initiative. Throughout the years, Daniel has developed his ability to deliver quality results despite working under pressure. 

As a talent sourcing professional, Daniel Kivo makes it a point to match the right people to the right organization. In every company he works with, Daniel creates a recruitment strategy and makes sure they successfully execute it. His experience in marketing, recruitment and leadership roles have given him the tools he needs to thrive in this industry.

In 2019, Daniel Kivo established Hire VA Now, a platform that connects business owners with virtual assistants. These VAs are experts in e-commerce, digital marketing, and web development, to name a few. After analyzing their credentials and learning more about their skills, the platform lists the top freelancers looking for work as virtual assistants. Business owners can subsequently use this list to find the perfect person to help with their business. 

Daniel Kivo is a strong leader with a comprehensive set of skills and expertise related to human resources and recruitment. As his career continues to develop, he remains at the top of his game.

Learn more about Daniel Kivo through his LinkedIn page. You can also follow him on Instagram.

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