Portland News

July 27, 2024

Amazon Prime Series The Boys Pay Tribute to Zack Snyder, Gets His Support

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Zack Snyder is a director known for bringing DC Comics’ impossible-to film Watchmen into theaters and kickstarting the now famous DCEU. 

Zack Snyder’s DC Comics films have been a hit with audiences since he took on the Man of Steel in 2013. His darker yet more realistic version of this iconic character set an impeccable tone for future adventures, which is why it came as no surprise when Snyder was selected to direct Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice–a film that would lay down some serious groundwork towards bringing DC’s iconic team to the big screens.

The director of Justice League, Zack Snyder had to step down from his position after the death of his daughter. Joss Whedon took over but viewers saw things change in a way which made them disappointed with what happened and preferred how it used to be before under the direction and concept of Snyder.

The fans have been asking for a long time to see this original cut of Justice League and it looks like they finally got their wish. Zack Snyder released footage from the film on social media, which prompted an extensive movement called “Release The Snyder Cut.” 

Snyder’s dark and moody style is often credited with creating the more serious, adult-oriented DC Extended Universe (DCEU). His work on Man of Steel helped establish a darker tone that other directors have continued to use in their own movies within the DC universe and even beyond.

The latest show to pay tribute to Zack Snyder is Amazon Prime Video’s The Boys, which has a set of heroes in its universe called “The Seven” that gets their own film. This may not be so subtle at first glance since it’s an obvious reference towards Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The Seven get their own film called Dawn of the Seven, an obvious homage to Snyder’s last two DC films.

With a tongue-in-cheek nod to the 2017 Justice League theatrical cut, The Boys’ fiction writer and director Adam Bourke was also at the helm of this film only for it to be rewritten by another writer named Joss referring to real life events. Zack Snyder joined in on Twitter congratulating the fictional director of his vision being finally realized.

It seems like Snyder’s influence will live on through the DCEU, as many people have started calling out DC to “Restore The Snyderverse” following his release of the Snyder Cut.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is available on HBO Max while The Boys will launch season 3 on Amazon Prime Videos on June 3.

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