Portland News

July 27, 2024

Addy Nett: Rebranding Mortgage and Real Estate through Honesty and Integrating Social Media

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More often than not, people planning to buy a house do not understand the entire mortgage process. However, what one knows is the importance of the signature imprinted on the dotted lines. Addy Nett and his wife, Kristyn, experienced this, and now they have transformed this into a ticket of success. Now, Addy hopes to help others find the meaning behind legality and mortgages through his podcast, The MLO ( Modern Loan Officer) Show.

Addy Nett is a successful advisor for real estate and mortgage who is also known as the host of the #1 podcast in its field, (MLO) Modern Loan Officer. With five years worth of experience in the industry, he has considerable knowledge about how mortgages operate and works with values. And because he doesn’t come from a traditional background, he is also going beyond boundaries without the fear of twitching the rules of the game—something the customers appreciate and is the foundation of both parties’ relationship.

Through his ways, Addy Nett is pulling back the curtain on the industry. His methods put clients foremost over profits. Thus, while many other professionals confuse clients purposely to get gain, he continuously works with values and focuses on putting the clients first no matter how it might affect his profits. 

Additionally, Addy Nett’s passion revolves around creating a world where financial professionals show up for their customers as a resource and canceling out unnecessary confusion. Apart from being honest in his job, the advisor celebrates his social media efforts. He finds time to be active on Instagram and Tik Tok, where many other professionals within his industry are not. He also eventually started the Modern Loan Officer (MLO) show to make his dreams a reality.

The MLO show acts as the #1 Real Estate & Mortgage Podcast, directing viewers who appreciate and crave truth and knowledge within the Real Estate & Mortgage industry. MLO’s mission is to continue creating a space where people can have instant access to transparent and trustworthy information. 

“Since the internet is so crowded with marketers competing for attention, we have created an environment for homeowners looking for guidance about mortgage, finance, and real estate in which valuable content with no strings attached is found,” says Addy Nett. He continuously creates content that is relevant and quickly understood, and he shares tips from experienced industry professionals. Addy adds, “I am aware I can use these platforms to educate others.”

Addy Nett knows firsthand the struggle within the industry. When buying his first home, Addy Nett found a below-par mortgage advisor who left him and his wife confused. He knows how it feels when questions are unanswered. So he vowed to become the best and help others never feel the way he did.

The licensed adviser has his clients’ backs and is ready to answer any questions they have relating to the ins and outs of the industry. Addy Nett hopes to widen the resources to learn about the mortgage and real estate available for everyone and integrates social media into his work.

Learn more about Addy Nett by visiting his website. By following the MLO Show on Spotify, anyone can explore episodes that cover interest rates, bank loans, and how to improve overall finances.

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