Portland News

September 19, 2024

Trump’s 2024 Vision for American Energy Independence

Trump's 2024 Vision for American Energy Independence
Photo: Unsplash.com
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By Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign features a continued focus on energy independence, a pillar of his first term and a central theme of his “America First” agenda. Trump believes that a robust energy sector—driven primarily by fossil fuels—is crucial for economic growth, national security, and geopolitical influence. His energy vision focuses on expanding domestic oil, natural gas, and coal production, advocating for the easing of environmental regulations that he believes limit energy output. While he prefers traditional energy sources, he expresses concerns about policies that heavily prioritize renewable energy at the expense of a balanced energy approach.

Trump’s energy policy is centered on making the U.S. a global energy superpower, ensuring that the country is not dependent on foreign energy sources, particularly from politically unstable regions. His plan to boost fossil fuel production is based on the belief that these resources remain reliable and cost-effective energy sources in the foreseeable future. Trump’s 2024 platform seeks to continue his energy prominence strategy, focusing on expanding domestic energy production, reducing reliance on foreign imports, and maximizing energy exports.

This article explores the key aspects of Trump’s energy platform, the rationale behind his proposals, and the support from various sectors of society for these policies.

An Approach to Fossil Fuels

At the heart of Trump’s energy policy is the expansion of domestic fossil fuel production, which includes oil, natural gas, and coal. His platform emphasizes the continuation of his administration’s first-term policies that increased the United States’ energy output, turning the country into a net exporter of energy for the first time in decades. Trump believes that the U.S. should leverage its vast natural resources to achieve energy independence, reduce energy prices, and create jobs in the energy sector.

Fossil Fuel Expansion

Many of Trump’s supporters see the expansion of fossil fuel production as important for maintaining energy security. They believe that increasing domestic energy production can reduce reliance on imports from regions like the Middle East, thereby protecting the U.S. from geopolitical risks that might disrupt energy supplies. Supporters also emphasize that fossil fuels remain dependable and cost-effective sources of energy, which can meet the nation’s growing energy needs while supporting industrial development.

Trump’s proposals to expand drilling on federal lands and speed up the approval of projects like the Keystone XL pipeline resonate with many in the energy sector and communities that rely on fossil fuel jobs, such as those in Texas, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. They argue that fossil fuel industries provide well-paying jobs and are vital to the economic health of regions dependent on coal mining, oil, and gas extraction.

In addition, many in Trump’s base feel that environmental regulations have constrained America’s ability to fully harness its energy potential. By reducing some of these regulations, Trump seeks to boost energy production.

Job Creation in the Fossil Fuel Sector

Another key selling point of Trump’s energy policy is its potential for job creation. The fossil fuel industry provides millions of direct and indirect jobs, and expanding oil, natural gas, and coal production would likely lead to further employment opportunities. This is especially important in regions where the coal industry has faced challenges due to market shifts toward cheaper natural gas and renewables. For many in these regions, Trump’s focus on revitalizing the coal industry is seen as a way to restore economic vitality to communities that have been hit hard by the decline of coal.

Revising Environmental Regulations

A key aspect of Trump’s energy policy involves revising environmental regulations, which he believes limit domestic energy production and economic growth. During his first term, his administration worked to alter or remove several regulations introduced by the previous administration. While these measures were intended to lower carbon emissions and safeguard water resources, Trump and his supporters viewed them as excessive restrictions on energy production.

Reducing Regulations

Those in favor of reducing regulations argue that environmental rules can impose high costs on businesses, making energy production more expensive and potentially pushing jobs overseas. By cutting back on these regulations, Trump’s supporters believe the U.S. can tap into more economic opportunities, enabling industries to grow and innovate without the burden of excessive bureaucracy.

Reevaluating the Green New Deal and Renewable Energy Policies

Trump’s energy platform takes a critical stance on the Green New Deal and other renewable energy policies. He has expressed concerns that the Green New Deal could harm the U.S. economy, potentially lead to job losses, and result in higher energy costs for consumers. Although Trump recognizes the importance of renewable energy sources like wind and solar, his focus remains on fossil fuels as a key component of America’s energy strategy.

A Call for a Balanced Approach

Supporters of Trump’s energy policies argue that while renewable energy sources like wind and solar are valuable in reducing carbon emissions, they can be inconsistent and may not yet be ready to serve as the nation’s primary energy sources. Trump’s platform stresses the continued need for fossil fuels to ensure reliable and affordable energy for the country. His advocates believe a balanced approach, where both renewables and fossil fuels coexist, is key to maintaining energy stability while fostering economic growth.

Additionally, Trump’s position against government subsidies for renewable energy appeals to those who favor free-market principles. They argue that renewables should compete without relying on government support, allowing the market to determine the most cost-effective and reliable energy sources. Trump’s platform reflects the belief that, under these conditions, fossil fuels will continue to play a dominant role in meeting America’s energy needs.

Trump's 2024 Vision for American Energy Independence

Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew / Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

Energy Independence as National Security

A key argument for Trump’s energy policy is its importance to national security. By reducing dependence on foreign energy sources, Trump’s platform emphasizes that the U.S. can avoid being entangled in international conflicts over energy supplies. The Shale Revolution that occurred during Trump’s first term led to the U.S. becoming a large producer of oil and natural gas, dramatically reducing the country’s reliance on foreign imports.

Supporters of Trump’s vision argue that energy independence strengthens America’s geopolitical position by allowing it to become a net exporter of energy, giving the U.S. greater leverage in international trade negotiations and energy markets. They contend that exporting energy, particularly liquefied natural gas (LNG), enables the U.S. to support allies in regions such as Europe.

By positioning the U.S. as a prominent energy producer, Trump’s platform aims to ensure that energy security is not left to the whims of foreign powers or the volatility of global markets. His policies reflect a long-term strategy to maintain U.S. energy independence on the global stage.


Donald Trump’s 2024 energy platform is centered on expanding domestic fossil fuel production, revising environmental regulations, and reevaluating policies that prioritize renewable energy over traditional energy sources. For Trump and his supporters, energy independence is critical to ensuring economic growth, job creation, and national security. By leveraging America’s abundant natural resources, Trump aims to make the U.S. a global energy superpower, capable of meeting its own energy needs and exporting energy to the world.

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S Senate show and today’s America and world new show 

Connect with Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

Direct: (424) 343 7025

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Published by: Nelly Chavez

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