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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to trudge on, forcing entrepreneurs, professionals, ventures, and communities to endlessly innovate their practices to adapt to change. While it may be easy to translate change into action, especially when government protocols demand it, it has been quite difficult for some industries, especially in the legal profession. The trade has been widely known to find comfort in its traditional ways, especially in conducting depositions. Despite these challenges, a growing number of attorneys have consistently proven that it is possible.
Since time immemorial, depositions were mostly an in-person activity. However, with the global health crisis discouraging face-to-face engagements, the industry has been shaken up to create innovative methods, such as conducting remote depositions. As a matter of fact, in certain areas of the country that lawyers do not have access to, or when the deponent has a compromised immune system, the party seeking information may either delay, forgo the deposition entirely, or conduct it remotely.
“If we wish to survive, we must adapt to change,” shared an attorney.
While remote depositions were a reason to hesitate before, NAEGELI Deposition and Trial, an emerging name in the industry, has shown how easy conducting a deposition remotely can be. By going remote, attorneys conserve their money, time, and effort spent preparing in-person depositions while maintaining a more relaxed setting that may yield better results than the traditional method. There is also increased flexibility in adding new exhibits because almost everything is done digitally. NAEGELI Deposition and Trial also noted that the preparedness of attorneys conducting remote depositions significantly increased. “It encourages them to prepare earlier than one might have because they need to have all exhibits ready to go, especially if they share them with reporters or opposing counsel in advance,” shared NAEGELI Deposition and Trial’s spokesperson.
Although NAEGELI Deposition and Trial has sufficiently pointed out its advantages, attorneys must follow certain protocols for remote depositions to be effective. They must ensure that the deponent possesses a video-ready device and other tools needed for the deposition. They should also indicate in the Deposition Notice that the deposition shall take place remotely and by video conference and notify the opposing counsel of such activity. In this way, parties will be preparing for a remote deposition instead of an in-person one.
Above everything else, NAEGELI Deposition and Trial has emphasized the importance of conducting a test run. While the firm has already done countless remote depositions in its lifetime, it does not take away the effectiveness of completing a test run prior to the actual deposition. Through this, attorneys may be able to find errors along the way, which will encourage them to create backup plans.
As the global health crisis continues to linger, industries are more pressed to heed the demands of the pandemic. With NAEGELI Deposition and Trial I’s expertise in conducting remote depositions, the legal profession is one step towards adapting to an ever-evolving society.