Portland News

September 18, 2024

Defying Odds, Huettenbach Becomes a Pilot

Defying Odds, Huettenbach Becomes a Pilot
Photo Courtesy: Felix Huettenbach
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By: Maria Williams

When people dream of flying, they book a ticket. Not Felix Huettenbach. When Felix decides to fly, he conquers the skies and becomes a pilot. For this 30-year-old adventurer, entrepreneur, and philanthropic YouTuber, the sky’s never the limit. The consummate go-getter, Felix recently obtained a pilot’s license in a mere 30 days, a feat that typically takes three to six months.

“Ever since I was a kid, it has been a dream of mine to take on the skies,” Felix shared on YouTube at the beginning of his quest. “Now I’m trying to turn it into a reality.” True to his word, he’s now a qualified pilot!

Taking The 30-Day Flight Challenge

Defying Odds, Huettenbach Becomes a Pilot (2)

Photo Courtesy: Felix Huettenbach

Felix operates on a simple principle: no half-measures, whether in business or hobbies. That doesn’t mean working harder than most; it means thinking smarter. That’s how he arrived in Prague, Czech Republic, when he decided to pursue his lifelong ambition.

Why Prague?

It was simply “the place they could do the fastest turnaround,” he explained on his first day in the country. Armed with a “Why not?” attitude and a camera, he was finally ready to prove he could conquer the skies – literally.

“Getting a pilot’s license usually requires at least 3 to 6 months, but I have the feeling I can do it faster,” Felix stated. “My goal is to get it done in under 30 days, which means I have a lot to learn in a very short time.”

The reality? It took sleepless nights, 40 grueling days, and $25,000, but the journey was as thrilling as the destination for Felix.

“I honestly don’t think I would have done it if I had known how much work it is,” he admitted with a laugh. But that’s the thing about Felix—the tougher the challenge, the more determined he becomes.

The Learning Curve & Lessons

Defying Odds, Huettenbach Becomes a Pilot (3)

Photo Courtesy: Felix Huettenbach

Felix’s journey to becoming a pilot was a rollercoaster of emotions when reality sunk in. “It’s going to be so much work. I feel like I’m back in University,” he confessed after the first day. The theory lessons were unexpectedly challenging, and the excitement was waning.

But true to his nature, Felix persevered. By day three, he was back on track, excitement building with each hour in the air. “We’re back on track. I think I can do it,” he enthused after a particularly exhilarating day of maneuvers.

The exhilarating feeling reappeared after his first solo flight. “There’s this moment when you realize there’s this metal box thousands of feet in the air because of you, and you’re sitting in it,” he recounts, eyes wide with the memory. “That did not feel legal. I can’t believe they let me do this!”

But let him do it, and they did. Now, “Pilot Felix” is ready for his next adventure!

What’s Next for Pilot Felix?

Will flying become a hobby or a new mode of transportation for Felix? “That remains to be seen,” Felix says as he signs off. “I definitely need quite a few more hours before I chauffeur my friends around!” 

If his track record is anything to go by, whatever Felix decides to do next is bound to be extraordinary. He hopes to chronicle every part of the journey on YouTube, where he’ll share every adventure with his growing audience.



Published by: Khy Talara

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