Portland News

October 16, 2024

3 Differences in a Residential and Commercial Retaining Wall

3 Differences in a Residential and Commercial Retaining
Photo: Unsplash.com
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A retaining wall is an essential structure designed to manage uneven terrain and prevent soil erosion. They’re used in both commercial and residential settings. However, the characteristics and requirements of these walls vary drastically based on the specific use they are intended for. Below are three primary differences between commercial and residential retaining walls.

1. Size and Scale

One of the biggest differences between commercial and residential retaining walls is their scale and size. A residential retaining wall is usually smaller. It’s designed to support a moderate volume of soil for minor landscaping adjustments or aesthetic purposes. Residential retaining walls are put into place to level out small yards or create terraces or garden beds. Since they typically handle lower loads, simpler designs are used employing lightweight materials, such as small concrete blocks, wood, or bricks.

Commercial retaining walls are often built on a bigger scale. These structures often support substantial changes in elevation while holding back massive volumes of soil. A commercial wall is something you frequently see around industrial projects, office complexes, shopping centers, and infrastructure projects. Since they deal with more complicated designs and heavier loads, a commercial retaining wall needs more robust construction. Large interlocking blocks, steel, and reinforced concrete are common building materials for these walls. Commercial retaining wall engineering has to make sure they can deal with greater environmental pressures, such as extreme weather conditions, water pressure, and soil weight.

2. Engineering and Design Requirements

The engineering and design of a retaining wall differ in its setting. A residential retaining wall usually has straightforward designs, and contractors utilize simple materials or prebuilt blocks for easy stacking. Commercial retaining walls have far more intricate designs, and the engineering involved might include needed permits and professional assessments for structural integrity. As a general rule of thumb, residential retaining walls are under 4 ft. in height, whereas commercial retaining walls are typically more than that size.

3. Functionality and Purpose

The purpose behind different kinds of retaining walls varies significantly. In residential settings, a retaining wall might be utilized for functional landscaping or aesthetic purposes. A homeowner might have a retaining wall installed to define a garden space, enhance their home’s curb appeal, or make a level terrace in an otherwise sloped yard. Such retaining walls are often personalized and decorative, using materials that align with the landscaping and style of the home. However, a commercial retaining wall has more industrial and functional purposes, including supporting large buildings, parking lots, and roads on uneven terrain. They manage soil stabilization, water drainage, and erosion control with an emphasis on strength, durability, and long-term performance.

Finding the Right Solution for Your Needs

Both residential and commercial retaining walls work to manage terrain and hold soil back. However, there are significant differences in their design, scale, and functionality. A residential retaining wall is smaller and intended for lighter loads. They’re often decorative in nature and easier to build. Alternatively, a commercial retaining wall is bigger and more sophisticated. It has to handle substantial structural demands. Building regulations for these are more stringent, so professional engineering is necessary. Knowing the differences between these two is critical to picking the right kind of retaining wall for your particular needs.


Published by: Khy Talara

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