Portland News

September 19, 2024

Tips for Finding New Fishing Spots in Your Local Area

Tips for Finding New Fishing Spots in Your Local Area
Photo: Unsplash.com
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Are you new to fishing? Have you been fishing for years? Either way, looking for new fishing spots is always fun and exciting. But finding them is not always easy. Here are some tips for finding new fishing spots in your local area.

Ask Around

When looking for a new fishing spot, it could be good to ask around. When you’re in the grocery store, at the mechanic shop, or out fishing, spark up conversation. See if the person you are talking to likes to fish. If so, ask about favorite spots, least favorite spots, or the latest news on certain spots.

Use a Fishfinder

When you are out on the water and looking for a new spot, using a fishfinder could be a good idea. This helpful tool can help you locate areas with a high traffic of fish. If you find a desirable location one time, you may want to go back later to see if fish are attracted to the area.

Check With Local Bait Shops

If you want to find someone in the know, you may want to go to your local bait shop. Bait shops are magnets for people who love to fish. Not only that, but the people working there will also have the same passion. Talk to the people in the store and ask about new spots. You could also ask the employees if they have any resources for sale to help you in your search.

Do a Search Engine Check

Why not use modern technology to assist you in your search? Depending on where you live, you may find great success in searching for new spots on the internet. Searches like “Fishing near me,” “Ponds near me,” or “Docks near me” could all be good ideas to get your search started. Many more search terms could be adapted from the previous list as well.

Discuss Options With Fishing License Vendors

While bait and tackle shops will attract the type of people you want to talk to, so will fishing license vendors. You may not run into someone unless they are busy, but the vendors themselves could have a unique take on some of the prime spots in your local area.


When fishing, it is also important to do some research. Finding new spots is more than finding a neat place to fish. You most likely want to find a spot where you will catch some fish. As a result, the season, temperature, weather forecast, and time of day all come into play when looking for a new spot.

Discover Hot Spots

Finally, when looking for a new fishing spot, you may consider looking for plants and structures that attract fish. Docks are marvelous examples of structures that attract fish. Fish love the cover that a dock provides.

Vegetation can also be something that attracts fish. Look for plants and floating vegetation. Fish often like these spots because the vegetation provides cover and a food source. Downed logs or large rocks could also be a good place to look for a new spot.


Published By: Aize Perez

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